Monday, March 14, 2011

Im the God Damn Batman!!

Batman. Where to begin? Batman is badass. He has the perfect mix of self-righteousness, pompousness, wimpy back story and kick-assery to just be the perfect badass good guy.
However having said that i prefer a bunch of the bad guys to him (as i tend to do).

Now onto the game. Arkham Asylum is the perfect setting for the game, it provides plenty of opportunities for Batman's main enemies to be around.

The gameplay is great, despite having a massive amount of backtracking, it works this in quite well. The combat isnt clunky or boring, the stealth isnt black and white and if you mess it up it immediately moves into the combat, a perfect combination.

The gadgets are great fun and more useful than you first think (i spent the majority of the game not upgrading to certain ones and then once i did regretted not having done so earlier) but unfortunately it takes forever to get them all, which creates even more backtracking if your trying to 100% it.

Theres not really much about this game that annoyed or disappointed me. I found the odd time the controls were bothersome (but that may be more down to me than the game) and some events repeated that probably shouldnt have repeated but all in all the game felt balanced, entertaining and changed enough between sequences that it all was very enjoyable.

I would definately recommend this game to Everyone! I will end this by saying this is the only game (other than the Baldur's Gate *EDIT and Deus Ex* series) that i have fully completed and played the life out of.

Im the God Damn Batman!

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