Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Crafting of Mines

A game that i have played a lot of lately has been Minecraft.

It is a game that is hard to define as it doesnt really have any specific genre or aim. The main point of the game is to build the world you can imagine.

You start off in a randomly generated world with no tools, no base, no tutorials, nothing. You have to use the world around you to create tools and a base in order to survive the night when the monsters come out.

You can make a whole range of tools, weapons and armour. But in order to make them you have to find the materials in the world.

You start off with wood and dirt as your main tools and then using wooden tools you dig out stone and create stone tools then on to iron, gold and the strongest diamond. There is also the ability to create "circuits" with redstone which can allow some amazing creations to be made.

It is currently (Still) in beta but even if you buy it now you will receive all future updates and it is currently very playable and there are very few bugs that cause issues in the game. During Beta the game costs €15 but will (once released) cost €20. For the amount you will play this game i think the cost is very little and definately very worthwhile.

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