Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Going first breaks the game...

I recently bought the game Risk Factions.

It follows the same base rules as classic risk but has some added objectives such as taking over barracks and airfields. This adds an extra element of tactics as it does not involve just destroying the enemy by taking over all their territory.

There are a bunch of rewards you can get in the game that give you a bonus to attacking or defending, bonus troops, etc. It involves doing specific objectives to receive them however and some of these can be very difficult such as "take over 9 territories in one turn".

You can play multiplayer as well as hotseat and have the option to play both classic risk and the new risk factions.

One major problem ive found with the game in general is that the person who goes first gets a rather large benefit. They get to take over territories first and as such reduce their enemies troops for the next turn meaning that the enemy immediately gets a lesser chance to take over territories.

This game (yet again) is only €10, it is a game that you can come back to again and again for both multiplayer and singleplayer. As it is a classic board game that has been brought into the new age i would definately advise picking it up especially for the price being asked. It is very enjoyable and something that you can easily waste 10 minutes playing every now and again.

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